Understanding the Distinction Between Impairment and Disability

As medical professionals, attorneys, and claims specialists, it’s crucial to understand the difference between impairment and disability. The AMA Guides, the gold standard in impairment rating, defines impairment as a “significant deviation, loss, or loss of use of any body structure or function,” while disability is an “umbrella term for activity limitations and/or participation restrictions.”
This distinction is vital because impairment doesn’t necessarily equate to disability. Factors like motivation, technology, and accommodations can influence how impairment impacts an individual’s life and work.
Understanding these nuances is essential for accurate evaluations and fair claim resolutions. The AMA Guides provide a reliable framework for measuring permanent impairment, but assessing disability often requires a more comprehensive approach.
To deepen your understanding of impairment evaluation and the proper use of the AMA Guides, visit www.amaguides.com. The site offers valuable resources and training to help you navigate these complex concepts.
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