AMA Guides
Crafting an Effective Medicolegal History Report: Guidelines for Clarity and Precision
Crafting an Effective Medicolegal History Report: Guidelines for Clarity and Precision histoy medical interview medicolegal history medicolegal history report Apr 05, 2024

In the intersection of medicine and law, the medicolegal history report serves as a critical document that conveys a patient's medical history in the context of legal or insurance considerations, such as Independent Medical Examinations (IMEs) and impairment ratings. Given its...

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AMA Guides
Closing the Medical Interview: Enhancing Patient Engagement and Accuracy
Closing the Medical Interview: Enhancing Patient Engagement and Accuracy ama guides family history medical interview Apr 03, 2024

In the realm of medical practice, the conclusion of a patient interview is a critical juncture that necessitates thoughtful consideration. As medical professionals, our primary goal is not only to diagnose and treat but also to foster an environment of trust and open communication. This...

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